My Tarot Reading Experience
From the Emily Dickinson tarot deck
Lately I’ve been feeling disconnected from myself, from my career, and from the world. This summer (and beyond), I’m on a mission to re-discover the things I used to love and discover new things, too. First on the list was… a tarot reading.
I subscribe to a newsletter, Between A Rock and a Card Place by the brilliant Caroline Cala Donofrio, and it ends with a weekly tarot card pull. In it, she writes, “The tarot is not about fortune telling, nor is it about neat, definitive answers. The cards are simply one path to reflection, a way of better knowing ourselves and others through universal themes.”
My sister actually booked this virtual experience for me (well, for herself, then she gave it to me) through HausWitch in Salem, Massachusetts. For those of you who don’t know, Salem is the city of the infamous witch trials in the late 17th century. It’s also where Hocus Pocus was based. It’s also the name of Sabrina the Teenage Witch’s cat.
Basically, it’s the PERFECT location for a tarot reading.
The reading started with her wrangling a cat, which was spot on in terms of ‘witchiness’ and relatability. She told me a little bit of her background (her family were refugees from Lithuania and they moved to Salem because it’s the Hebrew word for peace!) and journey to tarot, and I told her my journey with spirituality.
That journey is basically that I grew up Catholic, never connected with it (beyond guilt and shame) however I find myself gravitating towards ‘spirituality’. I don’t see myself in an organized religion, but I do appreciate the idea of a deeper connection with the universe, being present in the moment, and Eating Praying Loving.
She then shuffled the deck and asked me, “How can I best serve you with this reading today?”
I told her that I am feeling lost, overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. Because of that, my body is not working, and my brain is constantly in a fog. I’m worried about my health, what’s next, and my financial future. NBD.
The first cards she pulled were ones she considered “diagnostic cards”. Here’s what she got after sharing my context:
Nine of Wands (Reversed) This card told her that I was tired of the grind, even though I still love the work, maybe the context/structure is making me feel caged in. The card was pulled reversed which means it’s no longer serving me.
Ten of Cups. This card told her that I just have to remain optimistic and not give into cynicism. The rainbow on the card shows that the next great thing is around the corner, and it’s more than I ever could have hoped for. (OKAY!!!)
Nine of Swords. What’s getting in the way for me is anxiety. I’m too in my head about it and it might make me take a role that I don’t want just to ease the anguish.
Page of Wands. This card asks that I return to the beginner’s mind. Learn something new and allow myself to grow.
Some of her thoughts on these cards:
“What you get matched with is going to be a dream come true but it might be more than what you’ve allowed yourself to dream about. All of these no’s are a reason. It’s right around the corner.”
“Refine for yourself exactly how it is that you want to grow. Challenge yourself, and reach for what you want.”
“You’re not flowering, you’re fruiting, which is a later state of maturity.”
Some of my thoughts on these cards:
THE OBSTACLE CARD was the next to be pulled:
The Devil (Reversed): She said “this card is our shame and guilt stories.” (LOL) “Acknowledge the fear inside that says you are not good enough. The spirits are saying to make decisions from your gut. Dance to the music. Go with your instincts.”
Then, REMEDY CARDS - these are how to action.
5 of Pentacles - Scarcity story, resources, time - I feel broke down about resources. I might have to choose something that makes me uncomfortable theoretically (a new commute, lesser role, lesser money, etc.)
7 of Swords - Perceived competition, invisible enemy, you’re in your own way. Get out of your own way!
The Empress. Let it come to you. “Something is trying to arrive to you, and you need to be patient and be open to receiving the blessings of the universe. This card represents abundance. YOU are the blessing, YOU are the abundance. Sit down into the Empress that’s already there. You are the circumstance that flowers.”
I was floored. While I know and believe these are just themes for reflection, I did find it fascinating just how much it resonated.
When she pulled the Empress card for me, and explained the meaning behind it, I actually got choked up because she described the Empress as wearing a muumuu, eating bon bons and waiting for the abundance to come to her. I said, “There’s a part of me deep down that is that confident - but it’s covered in all this guilt and shame.”
All this showed me that I have to let guilt and shame go. Anxiety is nothing but an obstacle in the way of possibility. Anxiety and fear are what make me choose experiences that aren’t a HELL YES because I worry too much about safety and security.
Whether or not you believe in the spiritual aspects of tarot, it was such a cool experience. I think any card could have helped me and provided me with prompts for reflection. However, I’m biased and I know I got the right/best cards ;)
All in all, it was a great experience and I only wish it was in person! I’ll definitely be going again, maybe once I take my much-needed break and experience THE ABUNDANCE THAT HAS COME FOR ME.
I highly recommend HausWitch for virtual and in-person experiences. ALSO, aura photography, crystals, tarot cards, candles, houseware, and MORE. Not to get all Stephan (from SNL) on you but they really do have it all.
Also, I am a witch now. Thank you.