What I Read In April
I hate to be that person, but can you believe it’s May?
This year has been a WILD one for me. I think I’ve said that many times… but it’s blowing my mind. I’ve confronted a lot of issues head on and it was difficult and uncomfortable and weird. Thankfully, I have a great coach and therapist on my team.
Two things I like about writing these book posts are that A) I remember the books I read WAY more and B) My reading easily reflects what is going on in my life. In April, I blew up my life by quitting my job with nothing lined up. It was scary and left me feeling really vulnerable, but good things have happened and I’m gearing up for my next career move. SO, naturally, April was a weird reading month. Part escaping through mostly bad fiction, and part non-fiction/self-help/spiritual guidance.
The Survivalists - Kashana Cauley
This sounded like a promising story of a woman who starts dating someone and finds out he lives with a doomsday prep cult. I loooove doomsday prep cults! However, this fell flat for me. It was premise heavy: Doomsday preppers buy a fixer-upper in Brooklyn and build a bunker full of guns in the backyard to protect themselves from whatever is coming in the future… and then the house gets taken down by termites. Funny premise, but the story and characters weren’t interesting enough and there was no chemistry to be found.
Book Lovers - Emily Henry
Stress was overwhelming me, so I decided to read something very light and I read a good profile on Emily Henry. Well, it worked! It was like reading a Hallmark movie… or maybe like a Netflix romantic comedy - just slightly better quality. The characters had so much chemistry and it was really fun to read. It was the perfect escape!
The Art of Gathering - Priya Parker
As a facilitator by trade and a host by enjoyment, this was a great read that I wouldn’t recommend you read unless you facilitate meetings, trainings, or host large events. Otherwise, it will be very boring!!
HausMagick: Transform Your Home with Witchcraft - Erica Feldmann
The stress also drove me to become a witch! One weekend, I drove to Salem and decided to lean into my inner witch. I got my aura read, bought a crystal, and bought this book on how to bring more magic into your home. After reading it, I ordered tarot cards, I’m lighting a lot of candles and I maybe even foraged for some plants in the forest. My creativity crystal is charged and I can’t wait to sage my office after my last day of work.
The Writer’s Retreat - Julia Bartz
This was another promising fiction book. A group of women go to a writing retreat with a famous author. Two of the girls are enemies! Awkward! Naturally, it turned out too-good-to-be-true and psychologically fucked up and it ended in some murder and trauma. Also LSD was taken and there was a sexual encounter with a demon? I don’t know. But I think one of them did end up getting a book deal out of it, so yay?
The Artist’s Way - Julia Cameron
Technically I have been reading this for the past two months because it’s meant to be read weekly with tasks in between. If you are an artist in any way, or if you’re on a spiritual journey of your own, The Artist’s Way is fantastic. I’ll admit I didn’t take the morning pages or artist’s dates too seriously, but I do believe in them.. I know that when I write or journal in the morning, I feel much better. And I did try some new things but didn’t always do it alone. However, it was a really insightful and helpful book/course that helps with healing the inner monsters and letting yourself be authentic to who you are / a creative person.