Underrepresented Joys to be Thankful For
I know everyone is saying this, but I am truly blown away that Thanksgiving is this week. Then, IT’S CHRISTMAS SEASON. I am both here for it, and not quite ready. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but this wasn’t a very good year. I know 2020 will go down as the worst year of most of our lifetimes, but I actually think this year takes the cake. This year of slowly transitioning back to reality, while still struggling with an ongoing pandemic was just too much.
On top of that, I had to move, then there were some health issues in my family, and then it was really fucking hot the entire summer, and then my cat died. Everything feels GREY and UNCERTAIN. So, basically, I’m ready for 2022. HOWEVER, this is a positive Thanksgiving post about gratitude.
Don’t worry, not that kind of gratitude. I’m not going to say I’m thankful for my mom walking my dog (although I am) or the sun rising every day bringing each of us a fresh start!!! Instead, I’m going to share my appreciation for the very little things. The underrepresented bright spots in our days. Those are the real heroes.
Here they are:
The random things you find to smooth out your sore muscles. (The back of a chair or couch, a tennis or lacrosse ball, a free weight, a water bottle in your car, etc.)
Cancelled plans where you aren’t the one cancelling.
Being a renter and not having to take care of raking leaves or shoveling snow.
Target, for always being the thing to do when there’s nothing to do or the thing you do when you need something to accomplish.
Washing your face in the shower, not having to worry about getting water everywhere and the water being cold and then drying off your face and ugh, so much work.
Command strips for holding our Christmas decor, art, and life together.
A bone or a Kong filled with peanut butter so your dog leaves you alone for a couple of minutes.
When you arrive at your vacation destination, put the bags away and there’s nothing to do but start drinking.
A turkey or ham sandwich with Lay’s barbecue potato chips (both on the sandwich, and on the side.)
A stocked fridge full of possibilities, but then deciding you’re just going to eat the same thing for the next 3-4 meals. (1 part chicken, 1 part black beans, 1 part rice, 1 part chipotle mayo)
A Friday with no meetings
Also, a Monday with no meetings!
Reading a book and accidentally falling asleep and then waking up with your glasses on your face and the light still on, and your neck in pain.
Setting the coffee the night before and just pushing the button when you wake up.
A bowl of sugary cereal (Reese’s Puffs) when you haven’t had sugary cereal in years.
Finding a really good show or podcast to binge-watch and then having someone who cares enough to talk about it with.
An extremely cold glass of water when you’re dying of thirst.
The fleeting feeling of confidence you have when you know you’re right, but someone is still fighting you about it.
Waking up from a dream you were enjoying then falling back asleep and it somehow continues.
When a nail breaks, then you start peeling them all off, and then they’re all off and your nails look horrid but at least they’re not chipped?
So those were mine! What are yours?