What Brings You Joy?
Celebrating the tiny, baby joys that are probably, definitely getting us through the pandemic.
Becoming My Own DINK
Who needs marriage when you can be your own DINK? (Double income, no kids.)
Loneliness Hack: Use Your Friends!
I live alone during a pandemic, but I’m NEVER LONELY! I present to thee all the ways to avoid loneliness by USING YOUR FRIENDS. (Some might say leaning on your friends, but I say forcing yourself on them.)
How To Love Your Job and Build Your Dream Life
At this moment, I can say with sincerity that I am the happiest I have ever been. Not because I found my dream job, but because I shifted my focus to building my dream life by learning what I wanted and prioritizing what mattered.
All The Things My Group Chat Has Influenced Each Other to Buy
From maple syrup and coffee to sweatbands and expensive, glowy SPF… these are the things we have influenced each other to buy during the pandemic.
5 Self-Help Books That…Help
I hate the term “self-help”… but these 5 books actually DO help.
The one where I realize I have an eating disorder and decide to work through my nearly life-long body dysmorphia.
10 Best Fiction Books I Read in 2020
I read 75 books this year and most of them were good! Here are 10 of the good ones.
What Mister Rogers Taught Me About Working From Home
While changing into my night-time sweatshirt from my day-time sweater, I realized that everything I do has been influenced heavily by none other than Mister Rogers.
31 Things to Do Instead of Drink in January
It’s Dry January! Or Whole 30 Month! Or “I Drank So Much That I Scared Myself so I’m Taking a Break” Time!